Why are all the floating IPs that were assigned to me not available?

  • by Blue Box Support July 22nd, 2015
  • Tags:

    • troubleshooting

    • floating ip

On any given CIDR block, the first and last IPs are not usable, because they’re the network and broadcast addresses.

Also, there must be at least two gateway IPs: One for access to your Horizon dashboard, and one for testing the reachability of your Neutron router.

Type the command

neutron subnet-list

to see your assigned CIDR block(s).

Type the command

neutron floatingip-list

to get a list of floating IPs and what they are assigned to.

You can get a list of ports that belong to a given tenant by running the command neutron port-list.

If you’ve used all of your floating IPs, feel free to contact our sales team and we can discuss possible options.