Load Balancing Methods

  • by Leslie Lundquist October 3, 2016
  • Tags:

    • neutron

    • source_ip

    • session persistence

    • http_cookie

    • app_cookie

This document gives a brief explanation of the different load balancing methods. The SOURCE_IP load balancing method determines which server gets the traffic of a new session. The SOURCE_IP session persistence option determines the destination for an existing session, based solely on the source IP rather than based on a cookie.

Types of algorithms:


  • Each server is used in turn, according to their relative weights.


  • The source IP address is hashed and divided by the total weight of the running servers to designate which server will receive the request.


  • The server with the lowest number of connections receives the connection.

Here’s a figure showing the Create Load Balancer menu, where you can select an option. In this view, the user is selecting from the SOURCE_IP options.


Here is an explanation of the session persistence options:

Types of session persistence:


  • All connections that originate from the same source IP address are handled by the same member of the pool.


  • The load-balancing function creates a cookie on the first request from a client. Subsequent requests that contain the same cookie value are handled by the same member of the pool.


  • The load-balancing function relies on a cookie established by the back-end application. All requests with the same cookie value are handled by the same member of the pool.

For further information, please see: http://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide/networking-introduction.html#load-balancer-as-a-service-lbaas-overview