Routers and Heat

  • by Ulysses Kanigel September 26, 2016
  • Tags:

    • heat

    • subnet pool

    • router

    • configuring

    • python

Q. When configuring a new router with Heat, how do you use a specific IP address from the router’s assigned subnet pool?

A. This procedure is analogous to the way it is used in raw API calls.

See for an example.

  • First explicitly specify the subnet and network to be used (using, for example, the private_net_id and private_subnet_id parameters)
  • Then specify the IP address for each subnet used.

Q. In Heat, how do you add a route to both the new router and the default-router?

A. Formerly, there were a couple of ways to add a static route in Heat (ExtraRoute and RouterRouter), but those ways are deprecated because they are no longer supported upstream. You can still use Heat to put static routes in, but you need to put the route in user_data. If you prefer, you can also use the script that follows, which is invoked using the following command line syntax:

# ./ test-router2 add
Adding route to via

# ./ test-router2 delete
Deleting route to via

Here’s the script:


from keystoneauth1 import identity
from keystoneauth1 import session
from neutronclient.v2_0 import client
import os
import sys

if ( len( sys.argv ) < 5 ):
  print "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " <router_name_or_id> <[add|delete]> <destination> <nexthop>"
  exit( 254 )

router_id = sys.argv[1]
verb = sys.argv[2]
destination = sys.argv[3]
nexthop = sys.argv[4]

auth = identity.Password( auth_url = os.environ["OS_AUTH_URL"],
                          username = os.environ["OS_USERNAME"],
                          password = os.environ["OS_PASSWORD"],
                          project_name = os.environ["OS_PROJECT_NAME"],
                          project_domain_id = os.environ["OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME"],
                          user_domain_id = os.environ["OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME"] )

sess = session.Session( auth = auth )
neutron = client.Client( session = sess )

for router in neutron.list_routers()["routers"]:
  if ( router["name"] == router_id or router["id"] == router_id ):

    if ( verb == "add" ):
      print "Adding route to " + destination + " via " + nexthop
      router["routes"].append( { "destination": destination, "nexthop": nexthop } )

    elif ( verb == "delete" ):
      index = 0

      for route in router["routes"]:
        if ( route["destination"] == destination and route["nexthop"] == nexthop ):
          print "Deleting route to " + destination + " via " + nexthop
          router["routes"].pop( index )

        index += 1

    neutron.update_router( router["id"], { "router": { "routes": router["routes"] } } )