How do I report an issue?

  • by Giles Frith January 14th, 2016
  • Tags:

    • getting started

    • report issue

Your IBM Bluemix Private Cloud Support team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you are experiencing an issue, please do the following things:

1. Collect all applicable information for the issue:

  • Date and time the issue began
  • Frequency of the issue (intermittent or constant, at a particular time of day, etc.)
  • Steps to replicate the issue
  • Affected server name(s)
  • Affected data center(s)
  • Any error messages returned
  • Applicable server logs
  • Any additional useful information

2. Open a new ticket with IBM Bluemix Private Cloud Support via one of the following methods:

  • email: support\at\bluebox/dot/net
  • chat:
  • web:
  • phone: 800-613-4305

If you feel that your situation requires escalation, as in the case of outage:

  • To escalate a ticket online, scroll to the bottom of your ticket and select the checkbox beside Urgent. Note that Urgent status should apply only to situations in which actual outages are occurring.
  • To escalate a ticket by phone, call the Support phone number, listen for the options, and select the number for the Escalate option. Currently, Escalate is option 1.
  • To escalate your ticket using live chat, enter the chat room and let your IBM Bluemix Private Cloud Support team member know that you would like to escalate your ticket. It is helpful if you can provide specific reasons or changes in your situation that can explain the need to escalate.

When a ticket is escalated, IBM Bluemix Private Cloud Support is notified automatically. If your escalated ticket has not received a response in 15 minutes, we will be notified again.

(NOTE: IBM Bluemix Private Cloud Support is notified if a normal-priority ticket has not received a response after 1 hour.)